
Geographic Software

1. ArcGIS Explorer 9.2 License: Free ArcGIS Explorer delivers an easy-to-use way to view and share information geographically. Download ArcGIS Explorer and start using it to unlock the power of geography and geographic information. ArcGIS Explorer is free and freely distributable, making it a great way to share your maps with others. Once you have downloaded ArcGIS Explorer, you can start using a variety of maps and layers. These maps and layers are provided by ESRI free of charge and include imagery, topographic maps, physical features, shaded relief, historical maps, street maps, and more. Layers can be combined with local data or with other services to create your own custom maps, which can be easily shared within your organization and beyond. 2. ArcGIS 9.3 License: Free to try (60 days) ArcGIS is an integrated collection of GIS software products for building and deploying a complete GIS wherever it is needed—on desktops, servers, or custom applications; over the Web; or in the field Whether you need to perform spatial analysis, manage large amounts of spatial data, or produce cartographically appealing maps to aid in decision making, ArcGIS allows you to use one common platform to meet all your GIS needs. And because ArcGIS is built using technology standards, it will integrate well with your existing systems. 3. MapInfo Professional License: Free/Free to try MapInfo Professional is a powerful Microsoft Windows-based mapping application that enables business analysts and GIS professionals to easily visualize the relationships between data and geography. With MapInfo Professional, you can perform sophisticated and detailed data analysis by leveraging the power of location. Including location in your decision making and daily operations can help you increase revenue, lower costs, boost efficiency and improve services.

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